Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de sip

to sipsorber

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I sipyo sorbo
you siptú sorbes
we sipnosotros sorbemos
you sipvosotros sorbéis
they sipellos sorben
they sipellas sorben

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I sippedyo sorbí
you sippedtú sorbiste
he sippedél sorbió
she sippedella sorbió
we sippednosotros sorbimos
you sippedvosotros sorbisteis
they sippedellos sorbieron
they sippedellas sorbieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have sippedyo he sorbido
you have sippedtú has sorbido
he has sippedél ha sorbido
she has sippedella ha sorbido
we have sippednosotros hemos sorbido
you have sippedvosotros habéis sorbido
they have sippedellos han sorbido
they have sippedellas han sorbido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had sippedyo había sorbido
you had sippedtú habías sorbido
he had sippedél había sorbido
she had sippedella había sorbido
we had sippednosotros habíamos sorbido
you had sippedvosotros habíais sorbido
they had sippedellos habían sorbido
they had sippedellas habían sorbido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will sipyo sorberé
you will siptú sorberás
he will sipél sorberá
she will sipella sorberá
we will sipnosotros sorberemos
you will sipvosotros sorberéis
they will sipellos sorberán
they will sipellas sorberán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have sippedyo habré sorbido
you will have sippedtú habrás sorbido
he will have sippedél habrá sorbido
she will have sippedella habrá sorbido
we will have sippednosotros habremos sorbido
you will have sippedvosotros habréis sorbido
they will have sippedellos habrán sorbido
they will have sippedellas habrán sorbido

I would sipyo sorbería
you would siptú sorberías
he would sipél sorbería
she would sipella sorbería
we would sipnosotros sorberíamos
you would sipvosotros sorberíais
they would sipellos sorberían
they would sipellas sorberían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have sippedyo habría sorbido
you would have sippedtú habrías sorbido
he would have sippedél habría sorbido
she would have sippedella habría sorbido
we would have sippednosotros habríamos sorbido
you would have sippedvosotros habríais sorbido
they would have sippedellos habrían sorbido
they would have sippedellas habrían sorbido

Participio presenteAnotado
sipping sorbiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
sipped sorbido

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